Discover Batalha

Visit Capelas Imperfeitas

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Capillas Imperfectas are a fascinating example of the Manueline style, symbolizing the ambition and mystery of Portugal’s architectural project. Conceived as mausoleums for the royal family in the 16th century, these chapels have remained unfinished, allowing visitors to appreciate the intricate decorative patterns and symbolism inside and capture the atmosphere of incompleteness. 

Located within the grounds of the Batalha Monastery, the Capelas Imperfeitas are part of a vast complex available to explore along with other architectural masterpieces. Due to their unique appearance and historical significance, they create a majestic impression. In this article, we will take a closer look at this landmark, its rich history, and fascinating facts that will definitely be interesting for tourists. 

Tourist information

The Capelas Imperfeitas, or Imperfect Chapels of the Monastery of Batalha, are an important historical and architectural treasure in Portugal, part of the Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitoria in Batalha. Built by order of King D. João I in 1386, these chapels served as a dynastic pantheon for the royal family of the Avis dynasty. Especially significant is the Founder’s Chapel, which houses the first double Portuguese tomb with the bones of King D. João I and his wife, D. Filipa de Lencastre and King D. Duarte and his wife, Leonor de Aragao. 

The monastery is a unique example of Gothic architecture, and the changes made during the reigns of D. Manuel and D. João III gave it monumentality and aesthetic splendor. Capelas Imperfeitas attracts tourists and explorers who want to explore Portugal’s historical heritage and enjoy the majestic architecture of this unique place. In addition, you should visit Portuguese restaurants and enjoy delicious delicacies.

Interesting facts

Capelas Imperfeitas, or Unfinished Chapels, are a unique architectural landmark in Portugal, located in the monastery of Batalha. Here is a detailed overview of this historic site:


  1. Initiation and architecture. In 1434, King D. Duarte I ordered the construction of Capelas Imperfeitas. The main architect was Huguet, whose technical and artistic skills matured after his work in the monastery of Batalha. The chapel was conceived as an unfolded octagon with an entrance on the axis and seven radial chapels.


  1. Incompleteness of the project. After the death of King D. Duarte in 1437 and the subsequent death of the architect Huguet, the project was left unfinished. This gave the chapels a special tragic historical significance.


  1. Renaissance modifications. During the reign of D. Manuel, the aim was to complete the project with greater monumentality. Master Mateus Fernández erected a magnificent portal, and a Renaissance balcony, attributed to Miguel de Arrudo, was added in 1533.


  1. Pantheon D. Duarte. In the forties of the 20th century, the Pantheon D. Duarte was finally moved to the axial chapel. The double tomb of King D. Duarte and Queen D. Leonor symbolizes their final reunion with history.


  1. Historical value. Capelas Imperfeitas are a visual proof of the Manueline style and craftsmanship of the time and are a significant place of worship and memory of the Portuguese royal family.


Although left unfinished, these chapels represent a unique architectural symbol of Portugal, attracting tourists and explorers with their unusual history and majestic architecture.

Open hours

The schedule of Capelas Imperfeitas is as follows: the attraction is open daily from 09:00 to 17:30.


Prices for Capelas Imperfeitas:

  • Adult: 10€.
  • Children (50% discount): Under 12 years old.
  • Seniors (50% discount): Visitors over a certain age.
  • Family (50% discount): For family groups.


Fee exemption:

  • Portuguese residents: every Sunday and public holidays.
  • Children under 12 years old.
  • Unemployed EU citizens.
  • Visitors with reduced mobility.


Address: Largo Infante Dom Henrique, Batalha, Portugal.

How to get to Capelas Imperfeitas

If you plan your trip to Batalha city, Capelas Imperfeitas should become your must-seen destination number one. Keep in mind that getting here is super easy. Visitors can easily reach the monastery from the center of Batalha by walking within a few minutes, making it highly convenient.